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Video details
Video provided by: UOMOTV
Video description: We have been getting a lot of email about Jimmy, we found him and we were able to make a video of him. But there was a catch; we had to also make a video of Jimmy�s buddy. Please note, before shooting Jimmy or Ronato we had to give them a makeover, not at our request but at their demands. They said they would not take pictures in the stated they were in. I understand most people like to take picture at their best, but look and their faces and you will see what they have been going through. Both of these guys are having a lot of trouble in their lives and they are both living of the street or with people that give them a bed for the night at their risk. I�m not saying Jimmy or Ronato are bad people but they are desperate. Jimmy video will be posted for members in 2 weeks..

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Duration: 02:35 min
Download as: MP4 (21 MB)

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