Video details
Starring: Kevin Warhol,
Todd Rosset
Video provided by: BelAmiOnline
Video description: Today is the first part of our Kevin and Todd home video shot in Budapest. The reason for filming this is a little story all in itself. The crew were down in Africa with George location scouting and Kevin was supposed to be at home. Kevin being Kevin, decided to head off to Budapest without first checking how much money he had in his wallet, so when he got to Bratislava and found out he did not have enough for the rest of his journey to Budapest he called to George in Africa to help him out. As usual George comes though and gets someone to help Kevin get his ticket for the rest of his trip o that he could spend the weekend with Todd, who was teaching him the basics of how to use a video camera. Sadly he arrived there with no clean socks
Duration: 03:12 min
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