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Video details
Starring: Tyler (NDM)
Video provided by: NextDoorMale
Video description: Tyler is a small town country boy from Kentucky. Though soft-spoken and polite with a Southern gentility, do not mistake his kindness for weakness, as Tyler has been a serious fighter for most of his life. Spurred on initially by his rough upbringing, he has since found positive motivation through boxing and fight instruction, turning a negative into something constructive. And Tyler's handiwork is on display here, as he changes out of his street clothes and into something a little more conducive to training. Once properly attired, he then works the bag until he's got a good sweat going. And once his blood gets pumping, Tyler gets the urge to pump something else, so he strips off the gloves and plunges his hands down into his pants, massaging himself beneath his protective cup as he leans back against one of the lockers. Pulling his shorts down around his ankles, he lets his cock pop out, and it stands straight up, eager for attention. Tyler slowly pulls at it and it grows even thicker, so Tyler moves to a bench and reclines, flicking his dick against his chest, every now and again working it sort of aimlessly. Then, all at once, Tyler decides to stop dicking around, flogging himself with intent and focus before unloading his batch in a dripping mess on the floor beneath him.

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Duration: 03:27 min
Download as: MP4 (35 MB)

>> Watch full movie at NextDoorMale <<
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