Free FreshMen (KA) movie

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>> Watch full movie at FreshMen (KA) <<

Video details
Starring: Misha Akunin, Kirk McCartney
Video provided by: FreshMen (KA)
Video description: Yesterday�. Kevin was a lad down on his luck, now he shows new boys how to suck and fuck. Oh, I believe in yesterday! And that the sun will come out, tomorrow! And speaking of McCartney, here is newcomer Kirk McCartney. Long haired, Lolita-like and lovely his trainer, Kevin, assures me that he is adept both as a top and a bottom. I must take his word for it as I have yet to see this scene. I am too busy in Capetown creating new masterpieces for you to enjoy. If you notice a few extra pounds on Misha there is an explanation: At the time he was torturing himself- and us- with an all-cottage cheese diet in the hopes of becoming a young Mr. Universe. Fortunately we were able to convince him of the merits of a balanced diet. And for those of you who like balance in your scenes- here is a perfect mix of the new and the familiar.

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Duration: 03:12 min
Download as: MP4 (32 MB)

>> Watch full movie at FreshMen (KA) <<
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