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Video details
Starring: Ty Roderick, Casey Tanner
Video provided by: IconMale
Video description: Former soldier Ty Roderick goes to confess his sins of the flesh to Father Francisco. He shakily admits to the priest that he's been feeling certain feelings for a guy named Casey Tanner... the same strange feelings he gets when he looks at a hot girl. While Ty was away in the military, his mom took Casey in as a ward, and the shared space made things tense between the two boys. One day Ty's leftover military rage flared up and he went into Casey's room to choke the boy, but instead the two were quickly tangled in a passionate embrace. Ty tosses Casey's small frame on the bed and starts kissing down his chest, and Casey removes Ty's pants and takes the full length of his shaft down his throat. Soon Ty is naked, save for his dog tags, plunging his hard cock deep inside Casey until they both release their tension all over each other.

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Duration: 03:27 min
Download as: MP4 (35 MB)

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